Thriving in a cold and infinite universe where everything is done better, faster, and cheaper by robots


When we’re out of balance, problems tend to pop up to let us know that we’re neglecting some important part of ourselves. Never fear! With a little attention, we can get back to our center.

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Sitting on a Speaker

Sure, you can sit on a speaker, but that doesn’t make it a chair. It has more to offer. Likewise, people will find various and creative ways to make use of your skills to fit their needs, without first thinking about your full purpose or potential.

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Best First Date

A great first date is full of starry-eyed potential. So, why don’t we give ourselves a great date? Dazzle yourself with romance, prove you’re really interested. Seriously, show yourself a spectacular time.

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The Virtuous Circle

Living according to a straight line of cause and effect can make us feel like trained animals motivated only by reward and punishment. Natural life isn’t a straight line, it’s made of cycles. Those to which we tend, will flourish.

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The Magic of Boredom

A magical thing starts happening when you let yourself be bored: your brain tries to solve it, creating ideas and throwing together thoughts to try to become un-bored. So, give it a shot: allow yourself to get truly, profoundly bored and see what happens.

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A Sensual Experience

We commonly think of the five senses—touch, taste, smell, sight, hearing—but did you know there are many more than that? Take a moment, as often as possible, to feel what’s happening in the world around you.

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